Nov 22, 2019
Jimmy attended the Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate, UK and got loads of interviews! He interviewed about 27 people and got around 7.5 hours worth of content. So over the next 2-3 weeks, you will get to hear them all! In this episode, he talked with 3 creators whom have comics out with Avery Hill Publishing. While in London, Jimmy sat down with Katriona Chapman about her own comics, her job as Head of Marketing for Avery Hill and other works coming out from the publisher. At Thought Bubble, Jimmy chats to B. Mure about his amazing comics trilogy (Ismyre, Terrible Means, The Tower in the Sea). Charlot Kristensen talks about her upcoming work What We Don't Talk About as well as some of her other work. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!