The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MOCCA) Festival was over the weekend and Jimmy attended both days. He gives his recap here talking about the overall show from setup to exhibitors to atmosphere to interviews and more. He also teases the interviews he got that you'll hear later this week split up into 3 episodes. Great talks with Hyesu Lee, Noah Van Sciver, Jess Ruliffson, David Reuss, Ashling Tu and Vyolet Jin. All amazing creators! As usual, Jimmy recruits some of his favorite reviewers to help out with this week's comic and TV reviews. Thanks to Ricky, Melissa, Edie, Emily and Marta! And to news anchor Emily for the news which includes: Joe Quesada signs with Amazon Studios, a Scott Pilgrim anime with the original cast is coming, K-Pop band Enhyphen will be in the Baby Shark movie and more! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!