Aug 24, 2011
Reviews: Damaged #1, The Heap #1, Pariah #1
After last week's bamboozling with old co-host Joe, Jimmy flies solo this week to deliver you a snappy and fun show full of comic booky goodness! He's in the middle of apartment hunting/moving hell but manages to bring you some great news that includes: Harvey Awards winners, DC's New 52 midnight madness, first villain for new Justice League revealed, Atomic Comics in Arizona shuts down, Marvel releases Daredevil audio book, support ill publisher by buying Sparkplug comic books, Gutter Magazine reproduces Monica Gallagher's hit webcomic Bonnie N. Collide online, and Chicago gets an independent comic convention. As always, Listener Feedback, the Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!