Nov 16, 2011
Reviews: Avenging Spider-Man #1, House Of Night #1, Magneto: Not A Hero #1, Operation Broken Wings 1936 #1, Point One #1, Green Lantern: The Animated Series
Jimmy is joined in studio by Stated Magazine Co-Founder/Editor Ryan Swearingen. They chat about Brea Grant's new indie film, Primeval is back, and Jimmy's temporary return to video game playing. And a special announcement! News includes: Batman Beyond comic returns, DC Nation premieres on Cartoon Network, Top Shelf goes digital, Doctor Who to reboot in film, Ghost Projekt comes to SyFy, and how to help make a Chris Claremont documentary. As always, Listener Feedback, the Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!