Jun 24, 2016
Jimmy attended Heroes Con last weekend and moderated some great panels! Here, you'll hear the Introverts vs Extoverts panel he did with Bridgit Connell, Monica Gallagher, Erica Henderson and Kata Kane. They talked about how they learned to overcome being introverted, gave advice on how they promote their work, if there is such a thing as being too extroverted and much more! Check out this informative and fun panel! And later this week, CNI will release a Heroes Con interview special with Bobby Timony, Brockton McKinney, Kevin Mellon, Nic Terhorst, Genevieve FT, Buzz, Anna-Liisa Jones, Haigen Shelley, and Jim Shelley. And then in next week's podcast, the final Heroes Con interview with Brenden Fletcher will be available for your listening pleasure. Phew! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!