Jul 24, 2019
Jimmy went to San Diego Comic Con and all he brought back was this awesome podcast! It was an epic and exhausting time as per usual. Loads of press rooms and 1:1 interviews. Hear this thoughts on it all here! And, he had the absolute honor and privilege to interview George Takei, one of his heroes. Jimmy sat down with George on Saturday morning at his hotel in Coronado for about 30 minutes. Lovely chat about his new graphic memoir THEY CALLED US ENEMY as well as some Star Trek, musical theater, diversity and human rights. A day to be remembered for a long time. On Sunday, Jimmy also had the chance to chat with 2 of George's collaborators on the book. Artist Harmony Becker and co-writer Justin Eisinger gave their thoughts on working with George and their approach to the book. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!