Apr 23, 2008
No reviews or feedback since we have so much New York Comic-Con to cover! It was a crazy and mad weekend full of fun! Marvel at our fun. MARVEL AT IT!!
Over 64,000 attended the show and we cover it all. Well, not all of it, but a good chunk. Great interviews, amazing raffle, PROJECT HAIRCUT!, The Great Podcasting Dinner of NYCC 08, and more! We talk about some of the big news to break at NYCC including Marvel Apes, Power Girl ongoing, Iron Man/Hulk movie crossover and Virgin Comics party policies. We have a lengthy discussion recapping each day of the con.
As mentioned, interviews galore! So many that we had to split them into 3 shows. That's right, folks! This episode, "Alan Moore" returns and sits with us at our booth to discuss some more projects he's working on. A special surprise visit by Mike Norton occurs during the interview and a possible future collaboration is made. Sunday was a bit tamer, so I sat with the lovely CNI girls and booth helpers, Carrie Tucker, Kristin Garay and Colleen McAllister, to get their thoughts on the show. Also, Jimmy has a dream interview with the amazingly beautiful and talented Molly Crabapple.
What about the other interviews you ask? Well, tune in this Saturday, April 26th, for a special CNI One-Shot: The Venture Bros. That's right! Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, the creators of the acclaimed animated series The Venture Bros., joined us to discuss the upcoming season 3. Also, James Urbaniak (voice of Dr. Venture and Phantom Limb) stops by to discuss his work on the show as well.
Tune in next week for more interviews from Greg Pak
(Incredible Herc), Stephen Lindsay and Lauren Monardo
(Jesus Hates Zombies) and The Vampire Cowboys Theater