We've talked about it for over a year and it's finally here. It's
our special VERSUS! show. A round table discussion where we take a
comic book and explore the other mediums that the story is
represented in. In this very first episode, it's Death Note
vs. Death Note vs. Death Note. We cover it all from
the original hit manga to the animated series to the live action
films. Joe moderates the round table consisting of Jimmy, in studio
guests Mike Cho and Carrie Tucker (I Love Geeks author), and
Richard McAuliffe (calling in from Wales). Join us as we break down
each medium in 15 minute increments and end with a compare/contrast
of each. Which did we like best? And what would we do if we had our
very own Death Note? Tune in to find out! VERSUS! is a new monthly
show that we will be doing in addition to the regular weekly
episodes of Comic News Insider. As with our special One-Shot!
episodes, these will be numbered and part of the offical CNI canon.