Apr 21, 2010
Reviews: Brightest Day #0, Cold Space #1, Kill Shakespeare #1
David Monteith (Geek Syndicate) and good buddy Jon Hoche join us in studio for a crazy Coppola wine fueled episode. The boys talk the crazy Icelandic hurricane volcano that leaves David stuck in America. Spidey musical woes, Human Target finale, and Joe's secret spy mission are all talked. News includes lots from C2E2: new comic Tuesdays?, Dark Horse and Hammer films, Ennis pens Crossed movie, Frank Miller on Holy Terror, Casanova at ICON, Yo Gabba Gabba! at Oni, lotsa new X-men titles, what is O.M.I.T.?, X-Files/30 Days of Night crossover and more! The longer the show goes, the more we drink...so comedy gold if you hang in there!