Jan 26, 2011
Reviews: Doctor Who #1, Gore #1, Memoir #1, Wolverine
and Jubilee #1, Buffy Season 8: #40
Stacey Whittle of Small Press Big Mouth & Megacast podcast fame joins Jimmy in the rotating co-host chair this week. They discuss Oscar nominations, X-Men film set picture leaks, and congrats are sent out to Tony & Tracy Lee on their nuptials and Alison Rosen on landing the "Newsgirl" gig on the Adam Carolla show! Jonathan Hickman joins Jimmy to discuss the big death news in the recent Fantastic Four issue and he gives an exclusive about another title he is working on. News includes: Wizard magazine shuts down, Wonder Woman pilot back on, DC & Archie drop comics code, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, Ronald D. Moore's new show, Angry Birds animated series, James Kochalka is Vermont's Cartoonist Laureate and more! Listener feedback and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!