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Comic News Insider

Your podcast for everything comic book, animation, sci-fi and pop culture!  

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Hosted by Jimmy Aquino.

Jan 26, 2021

Reviews: Future State: Catwoman #1, Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1, Future State: Shazam #1, Abbot 1973 #1, Batwoman s2 premiere, Riverdale s5 premiere

Jimmy recruits some of his favorite audio reviewers again. Thanks to Melissa, Jon, Marta, Ashley, and Emily. Always such insightful and great reviews and the powers that be at CNI appreciate them so much. Let us know if you've read and/or watched what we reviewed and send us your thoughts! Thanks to Emily for the news which includes: DC's diversity-minded series REPRESENT! returns, Marvel's HEROES REBORN also returns, another GAME OF THRONES prequel is in the works and more. Also, get a hold of us!

Thanks for listening!