Jan 19, 2011
Reviews: Ultimate Captain America #1, Weird Worlds #1, Spawn #200. The Cape on NBC, Being Human on SyFy (U.S. version), Green Hornet film
Barry Nugent from the Geek Syndicate podcast in the UK joins Jimmy as the first of many in the new rotating c0-host chair! Former c0-host/founder Joe is still around producing the show for the next few weeks to help in the transition. And he even jumps in to do a review with Jimmy and interview Brad Meltzer solo! Barry & Jimmy chat about the Captain America and Spider-Man set pictures (ooh, mechanical web shooters!). News includes: a collected works of Kate Beaton, SDCC parade, comic book theater festival in NYC, Matt Fraction on new Thor title, new U.S. made Death Note film, Wonder Woman make up line and more! Listener feedback and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!