Jun 4, 2013
Reviews: Star Trek #21, The Wake #1, X-Men #1, Orphan Black season finale, Merlin series finale
Comic News Insider: Episode 476 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Jimmy is joined in studio by his new favorite co-host, Erica Schultz! Jimmy chats about his visit to BookExpo America and how he chatted with some of the comic book publishers there. Alas, no interviews but some good info about an upcoming comic book or two! Also, Jimmy is traumatized by the recent episode of Game of Thrones and the recent Justice League America #4. Good thing Erica brought some of her hubby's famous chocolate chip cookies to soothe his pain! They also chat about the upcoming Heroes Con and what they have planned. Erica is on a panel and is doing a signing at the Comic News Insider booth. Jimmy will be hosting the booth, moderating 3 panels (see info below), doing tons of interviews, taking pictures and more. You'll also see CNI correspondents running around like Melissa Bleier and photographers Faren and Faith as well as new helper Amber! And a mystery guest rings the doorbell! News includes: DC Comics goes Forever Evil, Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who, Grant Morrison's Zenith is finally getting reprinted, and SheZow aims to save The Hub network. As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!
Jimmy's Heroes Con Panel Schedule
Room 207CD
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor
Fan favorites Jimmy
Palmiotti and Amanda
Connor sit down with Heroes’ favorite
moderator, Comic News Insider’s Jimmy
Aquino as they discuss the craft of making great
Room 207AB
I re-iterate: Admit it—we all judge books by
their covers. With all the choices out there, how do we sift
out the noise and select the quality? It all comes down to the
covers, and there are few things as appealing to the eye than "Good
Girl Art".
Join Adam Hughes, Frank
Cho, Jenny Frison, Phil
Noto, and Amanda Connor as they
discuss this craft with Comic News
Insider’s Jimmy Aquino.
Room 208ABC
CROSSING-OVER: From Mainstream to Indie and
Join psychic huckster Jonathan Edwards as he makes contact with
Jack Kirby and Charles Schulz—no wait…
sorry…wrongCrossing-Over. Return with us to the land of
the living, and join Comic News
Insider’s Jimmy Aquino as he
discusses working both sides of the fence with Matt
Kindt, Becky
Cloonan, Kelly Sue Deconnick,
and Robbi Rodriguez.