Sep 3, 2014
Reviews: Bob's Burgers #1, Pop #1, Sundowners #1, Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors
Jimmy is joined in studio by the podcast wife Erica Schultz who brings the awesome and cookies! They discuss the DC "no jokes" policy in movies rumor, Jimmy has done the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, he also kind of had lunch with Joss Whedon (not really...or really?), and mourns the passing of legendary Archie artist Stan Goldberg. Also, Erica will be tabling at Baltimore Comic Con but Jimmy had to cancel his Sunday attendance. So go tell her how much you miss seeing Jimmy! News includes: Hello Kitty is possibly maybe not really or could be a cat, a live action The Tick series may return courtesy of Amazon streaming, San Diego convention center expansion may be dead, more Arrow casting news, and Doctor Who comes to Minecraft on Xbox. your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!