Sep 24, 2014
Reviews: Multiversity Society Of Super-Heroes Conquerors Of The Counter-World #1, Oddly Normal Vol 2 #1, Super Secret Crisis War Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends #1, Gotham. Sleepy Hollow
Jimmy has to go to a remote CNI studio SO far away to join co-host Emily Edwards. They chat about Outlander, finishing Spartacus: War of the Damned, the recently released Popeye animated test, Supergirl ordered to series on CBS, and wish the best to Jeremy Atkins leaving Dark Horse Comics to pursue some beery adventures! News includes: Alison Bechdel is a genius, Nick Frost spends Christmas with Doctor Who, Fox delays Fantastic Four but greenlights Deadpool film and Florida woman ALLEGEDLY adds 3rd breast ala Total Recall (she didn't). Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!