Dec 9, 2014
Reviews: Angela: Asgards Assassin #1, Fight Like A Girl #1, Secret Six Vol 4 #1, Shaft #1, Knights of Badassdom, Tusk
Jimmy recruits Producer Joe to step in to co-host this week! They chat about the new Terminator: Genisys trailer and Jimmy's birthday. News includes: AMC orders Preacher pilot, Frozen short will premiere in front of Cinderella film, Benedict Cumberbatch cast as Doctor Strange, Krysten Ritter cast as Jessica Jones, JK Rowling is writing some Harry Potter short stories, Bond 24 will be called Spectre, Mark Hamill brings back The Trickster on The Flash, and SyFy is bringing a new Superman myth-based TV show called Krypton. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!