Mar 2, 2016
Reviews: Haunted Love #1, Gingerdead Man #1, Wynonna Earp
Vol 2 #1, Gotham mid-season premiere, X-Files season
Jimmy returns to Gotham and gets Emmy Potter to come co-host again. Jimmy talks about his time away, the alien bug bite and seeing Michonne. Plus, Emmy reveals her new alter ego! News includes: George RR Martin will have a twist in his next book that wont appear on the TV show, Marvel is relaunching Timely Comics, Maisie Williams will NOT be returning to Doctor Who, the live action Archie TV show has cast most of the leads including Luke Perry as Fred Andrews (Archie's father), the original anime series Perfect Bones will premiere on Netflix, and Tank Girl returns with a new series at Titan Comics this May. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
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