Apr 27, 2016
Reviews: 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #1, Aloha Hawaiian Dick #1,
Dept H #1, Joyride #1, Game of Thrones S6 premiere, Lucifer S1
Jimmy is joined in studio by frequent co-host Emily Edwards! They talk about their love of Prince before heading off to see Purple Rain in the theater (Emily's first time!). News includes: The Inhumans movie has been pulled from its 2019 release date, Pearl Mackie will be the new Doctor Who Companion, an "outlandish" new Voltron: Legendary Defender comic mini-series is coming and will tie-in to the upcoming animated series, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 cast Nathan Fillion as Wonder Man, the new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer confirms the return of Wolverine, and Emma Stone has been cast as Cruella de Vil in upcoming spin-off film Cruella. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!