Feb 28, 2018
Reviews: Batman Sins Of The Father #1-2, Bloodborne #1, The Brave and The Bold #1, Hit-Girl Vol 2 #1, iZombie s4 premiere, The Walking Dead s8 second half premiere
Jimmy returns to his hometown of Jacksonville, FL for his annual trip. And as usual, good pals Ted Carruba and Ashley Lanni join him to co-host. They do a quick catch up and also send out some mad love to Kevin Smith. Hang in there! We're all rooting for you! News includes: Joss Whedon is returning to the Buffy comics, Boom! is a publishing new Over the Garden Wall graphic novel, Multiple Man is returning to Marvel Comics, Disney Junior is reimagining The Rocketeer and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!