Feb 11, 2009
Reviews: Secret Warriors #1, Soul Kiss #1, Jersey Gods
It's our special New York Comic-Con wrap up! And it's our longest show ever at just over 2 hours! Yikes! But, lots of NYCC fun to be heard about! Jimmy has completely lost his voice, so apologies for that. Joe managed to save his barely and takes the reigns. We give our play by play of the con and have interviews with Dacre Stoker (Great Grand nephew of Bram Stoker), Ian Holt, Emma Vieceli, Sonia Leong and new hero Lava Roid. More interviews with Molly Crabapple, Greg Pak, Jonathan Hickman, "Alan Moore" and Jimmy Aquino 2 will be played in the following week or two! The guys give their opinions on awkward fans at the booth, how we get our guests and thank our booth helpers and guests. News from NYCC includes the new Hickman/Eaglesham Fantastic Four, a new Ultimate line from Marvel, more Batman titles, Pet Avengers and so much more. Also, a zombie Pride and Prejudice, Portland superhero and Harvey Comics at MoCCA!
A special discount is given from the Vampire Cowboys Theater Company for their upcoming production of Soul Samurai. Jimmy will be attending on Wednesday, 2/18 and moderating a panel with the cast directly after. Use that discount code to attend that night!
AND...a tease for our special last minute interview with good friend Michael Emerson ("Ben Linus" on Lost). Look for that show to be released in a day or two.