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Comic News Insider

Your podcast for everything comic book, animation, sci-fi and pop culture!  

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Hosted by Jimmy Aquino.

Mar 24, 2010

Reviews: American Vampire #1, Fade to Black #1, X-Factor Forever #1

Surprised by that quickie download last week after the regular show? Jimmy explains and chats about his guest spot on the Jay and Jack 30 hour podcast for Autism Speaks last Saturday. Fun times! Joe had a geek retreat of RPG proportions and claims there was no LARPing. Yeah right. News includes: Dynamite acquires Vampirella, Rob Zombie's new comic, Tim Burton to direct animated Addams Family, Al Gore at SDCC?, IDW is a Diamond Premiere Publisher, Captain America is cast, Archie's multiverse, Marvelman is back at Marvel, Popeye in 3D and more!