May 30, 2007
Adventures: Iron Man #1, Final Girl #1, Gutsville #1. Heroes and
Lost finales.
Alison Bechdel joins us to discuss her long career in
cartooning and her hugely successful and moving graphic novel, Fun
May 23, 2007
Ultimates 2 #13, Satan's Sodomy Baby One-Shot
Blair Butler joins us again to discuss everything from 52, Spidey
3, Heroes and upcoming convention appearances. And, the hosts
of a great new podcast, The Mandys, join us in a very lengthy and
hilarious "Converting to Comicdom" segment!
May 16, 2007
Spider-Man 3, Countdown #51, Salvador #1,
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #151
Loyal listeners Bluemeanie and Mrs. Meanie, aka Richard and Izobel
MacAuliffe, join us from across the pond to give us their recap of
the Bristol Comic Expo in the U.K.
May 9, 2007
Reviews of Alien Pig Farm 3000, Ward of the State and World War Hulk Prologue. Interview with artist Darick Robertson who discusses his work on The Boys, Transmetropolitan and much more!
May 2, 2007
Reviews of Amazons Attack! #1, Johnny Hiro #1, Hunter's Moon #1.
Peter Rios of Comic Geek Speak and loyal listener, SpanoMano, join us to recap the Pittsburgh Comic-Con.