May 29, 2010
A special One Shot! with the full Podcasting Panel from the Bristol
Comic Expo. Podcasters included Dan from the Sidekick Cast,
Stacey from Small Press Big Mouth, Dave from Waiting for the Trade,
Steve from Comic Book Outsiders and our very own Jimmy Aquino from
Comic News Insider. The lovely and talented Emma Viecel
May 27, 2010
A special One Shot! to cover all the interviews that Jimmy brought us from the Bristol Comic Expo. Lynsey Hutchinson, Emma Vieceli, Harry Markos and John Higgins join us. Coming up next is the Bristol Comics Podcasters Panel.
May 26, 2010
Age of Heroes #1, Avengers Volume 4 #1, Legion of Super-Heroes
Volume 6 #1, Rescue One Shot, Zatanna #1
Jimmy is running on no sleep but is still having a blast visiting
everyone across the pond! With a recap of events at the Bristol
Comic Expo, Jimmy brings us interviews with Stacey Whittle (Small
Press Big...
May 19, 2010
Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #1, Batman Return Of Bruce Wayne #1, Bram Stokers Death Ship #1, Frenemy Of The State #1, Justice League Generation Lost #1, Sword #24
It's Part 2 of our Michael Emerson ("Ben Linus" on Lost) interview as he discusses more Lost stuff, characters, acting tips, what's next and...
May 12, 2010
Reviews: Astonishing Spider-Man Wolverine #1, Brightest Day #1, Hellboy In Mexico Or A Drunken Blur One Shot, I Zombie #1, Stealth Pilot Season #1, Superman War Of The Supermen #1, Iron Man 2
Michael Emerson ("Ben Linus" on Lost) returns to discuss the final season of the hit ABC series. We talked for over an hour with...