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Comic News Insider

Your podcast for everything comic book, animation, sci-fi and pop culture!  

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Hosted by Jimmy Aquino.

Feb 27, 2013

Reviews: GI Joe Vol 6 #1, Justice League Of America Vol 3 #1, Justice League Of Americas Vibe #1, Kill Shakespeare Tide Of Blood #1, Nova Vol 5 #1, Vitriol The Hunter #1

Jimmy is ill with the plague so cancels his special guests for the night so he doesn't infect them. And boy howdy were they SPECIAL GUESTS! Fret not,...

Feb 20, 2013

Reviews: Comics: Katana #1, New Ghostbusters #1, Powers Bureau #1 , Secret Avengers Vol 2 #1, Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #1 

Jimmy is joined in studio by old cartoonist pal Bobby Timony (Night Owls). They might do the Harlem Shake but you'd never know. Jimmy gives love to the British pop duo The Floe and congrats to good...

Feb 13, 2013

Reviews: Comics: Dia De Los Muertos #1, Fairy Quest #1, Fearless Defenders #1, Legend Of The Shadow Clan #1, Snapshot #1, Son Of Merlin #1 

TVBattlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome, The Walking Dead

Jimmy is joined in studio by good old pal Emily Edwards. They discuss the Entertainment Weekly possible Star Trek slip...

Feb 6, 2013

Reviews: Comics: Before Watchmen Dollar Bill #1, Doctor Who Prisoners Of Time #1, Emily And The Strangers #1, Masters Of The Universe Origin Of He-Man #1

Oscar short films: Head Over Heels, Paperman

Jimmy is joined in studio by the most amazingly talented and awesome Katelan Foisy. Writer, artist, model, actress,...