Nov 9, 2011
Reviews: Heart #1, Jack Avarice Is The Courier #1, Peanuts Vol 2 #0, Seven Warriors #1, Six Guns #1, Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 #1
Jimmy flies solo since he has the plague and doesn't want to infect any visitors. He talks about being introduced to the awesome artist ChrisCross, Steve Rude's recent troubles, no more Cloak and Dagger, and the new animated series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. News includes: Marvel will finish The Twelve, Marvel cancels some series, Brian K. Vaughan to adapt Stephen King work for Showtime, truck full of comics is stolen, PC version of Arkham City game is coming, die as a "Redshirt" in an IDW Star Trek comic, and a Star Wars fan has the weirdest photoshoot ever. As always, Listener Feedback, the Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!