Apr 16, 2008
Reviews: Batman: Death Mask #1, George R.R. Martin's Wild
Cards #1, Teen Titans Vol. 2 #1
The Birds of Geek invade the
studio and try to take over the show! Amy (UK) and Denise (NYC)
join us to discuss everything from Jimmy's new XBox 360 to the
chaotic planning for New York Comic-Con and the finale of
Rock of Love. News includes Friends of Lulu, The Beat
looks for interns, Marvel on Deal Or No Deal, Watchmen,
Eisners and more!
Speaking of New York Comic-Con...CNI will have signings, interviews, the charity raffle and PROJECT HAIRCUT!. Yep. Jimmy is cutting his hair live at the show! The hair will be donated to Locks of Love and we'll be collecting donations. You can send donations via PayPal. Enter Jimmy's email address: jimmyaquinox69@gmail.com and send millions! Half of the funds raised will go to Locks of Love and the other half will help cover costs here at CNI. On Saturday, we will have tons of Venture Bros. goodness! Interviews with creators Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick. And, voice over artist James Urbaniak (Dr. Venture, Phantom Limb, etc. joins us as well!
Saturday night is the big dinner at John's Pizza! $29 for all you can eat pizza, salad, soda, tax and tip! If you want to attend, please email us by Friday at Noon. No later!
Sunday, Jimmy will be flying solo but will be joined by Greg Pak (Incredible Hulk) again this year for a signing and interview.
Swing by the CNI booth in the podcast arena and say hi! Buy a raffle ticket and win prizes! See the haircut! Meet "Alan Moore" and Unemployed Skeletor!