Mar 19, 2013
Reviews: Buddy Cops One Shot, Sledgehammer 44 #1, Wolverine Vol 5 #1
Jimmy is joined in studio by Stated Magazine's Ryan Swearingen once again. They chat about the massively successful Veronica Mars Kickstarter and ripple effect it will have on crowdfunding. Jimmy also entices his roommate Ben Templesmith to come chat a bit about TOME, his own successful Kickstarter project with 44 Flood. Ben also chats briefly about his upcoming book Ten Grand with J. Michael Straczynski and other projects. News includes: Superman newspaper strips will be printed in their entirety, Marvel announces a live action superhero show and Marjane Satrapi's critically acclaimed/award winning graphic novel Persepolis gets banned in a Chicago highschool. As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!