Jun 19, 2013
Reviews: Crow Curare #1, Joe Hills Thumbprint #1, Superman Unchained #1, True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys #1, Man of Steel
Jimmy is joined in studio by his new nerdy pal Taylor Katz and they give a looooong review of the new Man of Steel film. More Heroes Con interviews with Kevin Mellon (Suicide Sisters, Archer), Mike Maihack (Cleopatra In Space), Rachel Pandich/Ashely Lanni (Aspire). Jimmy talks about how he almost screwed up his SDCC plans, briefly mentions new SyFy shows Primeval: New World (skip it) and Sinbad (not terrible) and gives love to his girls Alie & Georgia regarding their new show on The Cooking Channel (Tripping Out with Alie & Georgia). News includes: Superman and Wonder Woman get romantical, Spider-man finds his sister, Dynamite Teams up Flash Gordon/The Phantom/Mandrake the Magician, Star Wars Land coming to Orlando and IDW gets animated...sort of! As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Thanks for listening!